Confession and Plea for Sanctions Lift: Son of Former Yemeni President Reaches Out to UN

Thursday 4 May 2024 |4 months ago
Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh

Barran Press

Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, the son of Yemen's former president, has confessed for the first time to the legitimacy of the internationally recognized government. In a letter addressed to the United Nations Security Council's Sanctions Committee on May 15, 2024, Saleh has reaffirmed his compliance with the government's decisions and is once again appealing for the lifting of sanctions imposed on him.

The letter, obtained by "Barran Press," was sent from Saleh's residence in the United Arab Emirates. In it, he acknowledged the legitimacy of the current Yemeni government, led by President Rashad Al-Alimi, and hinted at his opposition to the Houthi rebel group. Saleh expressed his dissatisfaction with the lack of response from the Sanctions Committee to his previous communications, stating that this "does not befit an entity of your stature."

Saleh emphasized his confidence in the justness of his cause and demands, claiming the allegations against him are "politically motivated." He highlighted the support he has received from various Yemeni entities, including the Yemeni Parliament and the Shura Council, who have repeatedly called for the lifting of sanctions against him and his father.

In his letter, Saleh was keen to absolve himself from any involvement in the Yemeni crisis, describing the Houthi group as the primary contributor to the country's "catastrophic situation." He accused the Houthis of "thriving and expanding their projects" at the expense of the Yemeni people's "blood, resources, security, and stability."

Saleh appealed to the International Sanctions Committee, stating that even in "dictatorships," there is a clear path for people to seek justice. He expressed his belief that the United Nations, as the "guardian of the values of justice," should provide a similar straightforward path for those who have fallen victim to "the snares of injustice."

Interestingly, Saleh revealed that he had received messages criticizing his inclination towards a peaceful resolution, with some suggesting that he had missed opportunities to use force and violence to resolve the situation. However, he reiterated his recognition of the legitimate Yemeni government and his submission to its decisions, both before and after the sanctions were imposed.

Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, who previously held the position of commander of the Republican Guard during his father's rule, was among those listed in the UN Security Council Resolution 2216 in 2015. The resolution accused him of "working to undermine the authority of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, thwarting his efforts to reform the military institution, and obstructing the peaceful transition to democracy in Yemen."

This latest development marks a significant shift in Saleh's stance, as he now publicly acknowledges the legitimacy of the Yemeni government and seeks to have the sanctions against him lifted. The International Sanctions Committee's response to Saleh's plea will be closely watched, as it may have implications for the ongoing political dynamics in Yemen.