Saudi National Executed in Yemen for Murder and Terrorism Charges

Tuesday 2 May 2024 |4 months ago
Saudi National Executed in Yemen for Murder and Terrorism Charges

Barran Press

Marib, Yemen - In a solemn event that took place on May 19, 2024, Ibrahim Yousef Al-Wazzan Al-Tamimi met his demise by means of a firing squad in the northeastern Yemeni city of Marib. Al-Wazzan had been convicted of the murder of Mohammed Abdullah Ayedha Battihi.

The Trail of a Fugitive: Al-Wazzan, a citizen of Saudi Arabia, had been sought by his own government for alleged involvement in acts of terrorism linked to the notorious al-Qaeda network. As early as July 2015, the Saudi Ministry of Interior had placed him on a list of four wanted individuals, offering a reward of 1 million Saudi riyals (approximately $266,667) for any information leading to his capture.

Seeking Refuge in Yemen: Following his designation as a fugitive by the Saudi authorities, Al-Wazzan managed to elude capture. However, his fortune changed in March 2018 when he resurfaced in Ataq, the capital of the eastern Yemeni governorate of Shabwah, accompanied by his wife. The couple engaged the services of Mohammed Abdullah Battihi, a taxi driver, to transport them to Marib.

A Deadly Encounter: Shockingly, it was during this journey that Al-Wazzan allegedly committed the murder that led to his undoing. According to a security source, Al-Wazzan took Battihi's life after passing through a security checkpoint in Marib. He and his wife then fled to the village of Salwa in Marib al-Wadi district.

The Hunt and Legal Proceedings: In the wake of Battihi's tragic demise, his family, friends, local residents, and the combined efforts of the security forces and military launched an extensive manhunt to bring Al-Wazzan to justice. Ultimately, he was apprehended and handed over to the authorities, while his wife was safely returned to her relatives in Saudi Arabia.

Remarkably, Al-Wazzan's status as a wanted individual in Saudi Arabia remained unknown during his time in custody. It was not until February 2021 that the Marib Specialized Criminal Court sentenced him to death by firing squad for the murder of Battihi. The Supreme Court subsequently affirmed the verdict in February 2023, and it was ultimately ratified by President Rashad al-Alimi in February 2024.

The Execution: On May 19, 2024, the Marib Public Prosecution carried out the execution, marking the final chapter in this tragic tale of murder and alleged terrorism.

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