Marib People's Congress party Holds Key Meeting: Yousef Calls for Unity, Accuses Others of "Pretending" to Be Congress Party

Tuesday 2 Jun 2024 |3 months ago
Saud Al-Yousifi (Bran Press)

Barran Press


Saud Yousef, Vice President of the General People's Congress (GPC) branch in Marib, has revealed a new initiative to unify the party, calling on individuals claiming to represent the GPC in Marib to "come to their senses."

In an exclusive statement to Barran Press on Monday, June 24, 2024, Yousefi stated that "there are individuals in Marib who are pretending to be the General People's Congress, claiming they are the real Congress, the ones who stood with the nation, while we are separated."

He added, "In reality, these individuals are fishing in troubled waters, attempting to hinder political and administrative work." He urged them to "come to their senses" and called for "a unified political stance and a unified Congress."

Regarding the initiative launched by the Marib Congress to unify the party "both domestically and internationally," Yousefi stated that it was presented to the Chief of Staff, Commander of Joint Operations, General Saghir bin Aziz, as well as to the member of the Presidential Leadership Council for Marib Governorate, Major General Sultan al-Arada, and to the Presidential Leadership Council.

Speaking about those he claims are "pretending" to be the GPC, Yousefi said, "There are individuals who joined the Houthis after the group invaded the capital Sana'a and their coup against the state. They continued to deal with the Houthis, while we in the Marib Congress declared our position and severed our ties with Sana'a organizationally, politically, administratively, and on all levels, as well as with those who allied with them."

He added that these individuals' statements and communications are documented, even before the events of December 2nd, when the situation changed.

Regarding the leadership of the Marib Congress, Yousefi, a political leader, stated, "There is a legitimate leadership elected by the districts of Marib Governorate and members of the main permanent committee."

Regarding the party's position, he said, "We operate politically within the framework of political parties and organizations in Marib Governorate. All these political parties and organizations declared their rejection of the Houthi coup the day after the Houthis invaded the Yemeni capital Sana'a."

He pointed to the famous statement issued by political parties in Marib Governorate, led by the General People's Congress, which declared these parties' rejection of the Houthi coup, announcing their support for the legitimate Yemeni government.

The Marib Congress's stance was contrary to that of the party's leadership in Sana'a, which aligned with the Houthis at the time, before this alliance dissolved during the events of December 2nd, 2017, which ended with the death of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the head of the General People's Congress.

Currently, according to Yousefi, the leadership of the Marib branch of the General People's Congress, which has maintained its unified stance in support of constitutional legitimacy, is trying to unify the party again nationwide, "except for those under the Houthi militia, who are under house arrest."

Yousefi continued in his interview with Barran Press, "We have proposals, and we have a draft initiative to bring together all the leaders who return to the side of the nation."

He added, "Those who have come to their senses and recognized the legitimate leadership under the leadership of the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, and the leadership of the local authority in Marib Governorate, Major General Sultan al-Arada, and the leadership of the Marib branch of the General People's Congress, Sheikh Abdulwahed al-Qabli, we are ready to integrate them into the organizational framework of the General People's Congress in Marib Governorate."

Yousefi pointed to an extraordinary meeting of the leadership of the Marib branch of the Congress and the leadership of the branches in the districts, chaired by Sheikh Abdulwahed al-Qabli Nimeran, the branch president and a member of the main permanent committee, via video call on Monday evening.

According to information provided by Yousefi, the meeting addressed various organizational issues, as well as political and military developments on the Yemeni scene.

Al-Qabli instructed the Congress leaders to "increase their readiness, vigilance, and mobilization to support the army and resistance in the upcoming national battle." He pointed to "the extensive military mobilization carried out by the Houthi terrorist militia on various fronts, especially towards Marib Governorate," which he said "confirms their preparations to wage war on the governorate in an attempt to seize control of it and inflict harm on its people and residents."


The Marib Congress party has rejected the Houthi project since its inception in 2014, providing convoys of martyrs and wounded individuals in defense of the revolution, the republic, constitutional legitimacy, Yemeni identity, and the Marib province. It continues to adhere to its national stance until the eradication of this terrorist militia, the elimination of its sectarian project, and the restoration of the homeland and state institutions.

The branch's president emphasized the need to activate organizational work and complete arrangements to fill vacancies in branches and centers, activate field leadership operations, according to systematic and organizational plans, and establish communication with the broad base of the conference, addressing their concerns and issues. He called for the restoration of the conference's leading role and its significant position on the scene.

This meeting comes after a statement issued by the Marib branch in the Harib directorate (southern Marib province) yesterday, Sunday, June 23, 2024. The statement urged local authorities to control what it described as "suspicious elements" who were assuming leadership positions in the party and attempting to undermine it with external funding and support.

The statement, obtained by "Barran Press," explained that the leadership and ranks of the Harib conference were surprised by individuals trying to further fracture the party, disperse the leadership and ranks of the General People's Congress in the Harib directorate, deviating from the party's regulations and systems, and establishing an office outside the constitutional legitimacy and party system.

These actions were described as "illegal" and were said to have occurred at a time when the leadership of the General People's Congress in Marib province, under the leadership of Sheikh Abdulwahid Ali al-Qubali Numran, and the leadership of the Harib branch, sought to consolidate the ranks of their bases and leadership according to the party's regulations and systems. The statement called on party members not to be swayed by these individuals and urged the security and military authorities in the Harib directorate not to allow anyone to claim leadership of the General People's Congress while being aware of their negative positions towards the country.

The statement warned against dealing with these impostors who claim to be affiliated with the conference and ignore the regulations and systems, holding them responsible for the chaos that reflects on all aspects of political and social life in the directorate.

In parallel, local sources informed "Barran Press" that the city of Harib witnessed the opening of a party headquarters in the directorate by Sheikh Mansour Al-Sayyadi, as the "head of the General People's Congress branch in Marib province," and in the presence of Abdullah Saeed Atiya, acting as the head of the party's branch in the Harib directorate.

According to the sources, "Al-Sayyadi" delivered a speech during the opening, conveying greetings from Brigadier Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, the son of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and expressing gratitude to the "Southern Giants Brigades" for their support and efforts.

This event is precisely what the statement from the leadership and ranks of the conference in the Harib directorate warned against, considering it a "suspicious plot targeting the Harib conference and seeking revenge against its historical positions in support of the Yemeni government and rejection of the internationally designated Houthi group's coup on terrorism lists."