Impersonation Claims Spark Concerns of "Dangerous Plan" Against Marib

Wednesday 3 Jun 2024 |3 months ago
Yemeni parties

Barran Press

Political parties and organizations in Marib Governorate on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, condemned in the strongest terms the actions of individuals impersonating leaders of the General People's Congress (GPC) branch in the governorate and opening offices in the Harib district.

In a statement received by Barran Press, the political parties considered these actions a violation of all systems, laws, and regulations governing party work. They stated that this "reveals a dangerous plot targeting the governorate, its political life, and its unity, aiming to dismantle its internal front for the benefit of the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist project, which is plotting evil against the governorate."

The statement highlighted that Marib has stood as a strong barrier against the Houthi project, shattering all their dreams and schemes on the rock of its resilience and unity. They emphasized that this "shameful and criminal" act reveals a new plot to infiltrate the national ranks in the governorate, targeting both political parties and the community, aiming to dismantle its cohesion, starting with the dismantling and fragmentation of the GPC branch in the governorate.

The statement explained that the GPC branch in Marib is one of the largest and most influential party branches, arguing that the current targeting is "revenge for its leading and unwavering stance against the Houthi terrorist militia, its rejection of their project, and its support for legitimacy, the republic, the revolution, and the political parties in the governorate."

The statement added that the Marib GPC, alongside other Yemeni political parties and forces, has provided countless martyrs in the fronts of honor and dignity alongside the national army and popular resistance.

The statement accused the individuals impersonating GPC leaders in the governorate and Harib district of having a known history of standing with the Houthi terrorist militia against the nation, fighting the people of the governorate, and supporting the militia's occupation until recently.

"Despite the belief of everyone after the events of December 2, 2018, we thought they had learned the lesson of betrayal and the consequences of aligning with the Houthi terrorist militia after they killed and displaced leaders from the party's founder and president, its secretary-general, and leaders from the first, second, and third ranks. They returned to the embrace of the nation and constitutional legitimacy, understanding the danger of the Houthi terrorist militia's project. Now, we are surprised to see them implementing steps aimed at dismantling the unity of the GPC in Marib Governorate," the statement said.

The statement described their actions as a "project targeting all political parties and the social fabric, as part of a larger plan by the Houthi terrorist group to bring down the governorate through chaos, making it easier for them to devour it after all their attempts to create strife there through various means, methods, and cells have failed."

The Marib party leaders affirmed that the legitimate leadership of the GPC in the governorate is the elected leadership in the governorate headed by Sheikh Abdul Wahid al-Qabli Nimran, and the elected leaders in the Harib district. They stated that there is no legitimacy for the individuals impersonating leadership positions.

They expressed their support and solidarity with the legitimate leadership of the GPC in "taking all necessary steps to defend its rights and unity, as the actions of these individuals constitute a serious legal crime."

They called on the local authorities in the governorate, represented by the member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Sultan al-Arada, the General Staff, the leaders of the Giants Forces, the Saba Brigade in the Harib district, and the security agencies, to pursue the individuals impersonating GPC leaders and bring them to justice.

They also called for the "swift closure of the offices they have opened to protect the entity of the parties, the unity of the ranks, and the internal front, and to extinguish the strife they seek to ignite in the governorate, undermining the united national ranks and the social fabric."

The party leaders warned against "the continuation of these individuals' activities and the persistence of their offices in channeling suspicious funds, implementing recruitment plans for cells to disrupt security, ignite various feuds among tribes and citizens, and gather intelligence for the enemy, given their known past association with the Houthi group classified as a terrorist organization, and the fact that the offices they are opening are affiliated with leaders under the control of the Houthi terrorist militia in Sana'a."

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, the leadership and members of the GPC in the Harib district, south of Marib Governorate, called on the local authorities to apprehend "suspicious elements" who they said were "impersonating leadership positions in the party and attempting to tear it apart with external funding and support."

The GPC leadership in Harib, in a statement received by Barran Press, said they were surprised by "individuals attempting to cause further fragmentation of the party, scatter the leadership and members of the GPC in the Harib district, violating the party's regulations and systems, and opening an office outside the framework of constitutional legitimacy and the party's system." They accused these individuals of "receiving external funding and support" that they described as "suspicious" to "carry out these illegal activities."

Hours before the statement, local sources in the Harib district informed Bran Press of the opening of a GPC office in the district. They explained that it was opened by Sheikh Mansour al-Sayyadi, in his capacity as "head of the GPC branch in Marib Governorate," with the presence of Abdullah Saeed Atiya, in his capacity as acting head of the party's branch in the Harib district.

The sources added that al-Sayyadi delivered a speech during the opening, conveying greetings from Brigadier General Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, son of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, expressing his gratitude to the "Southern Giants Brigades" for their "support and efforts."

On Monday, June 24, 2024, the deputy head of the GPC branch in Marib, Saud al-Yousefi, said that "individuals are impersonating the GPC in Marib Governorate, claiming to be the GPC, and claiming to be those who stood with the nation, while we are separated."

He added in a special statement to Barran Press that "these individuals are fishing in troubled waters, trying to hinder political and administrative work," urging them to "return to reason." He said, "We call for unifying the political stance and unifying the GPC."

Apart from the party's branch in Marib Governorate, the GPC has witnessed a sharp division following the Houthi group's takeover of the Yemeni capital Sana'a and its coup against the legitimate Yemeni government in late 2014. The divisions within the party's ranks intensified after the death of its leader, Ali Abdullah Saleh, at the hands of his Houthi allies in late 2017.