Protests Erupt at Riyan Airport in Hadhramaut Over Oil Revenue and Fishing Restrictions

Thursday 4 Aug 2024 |2 months ago

Barran Press

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the gates of Riyan Airport in Mukalla, Hadhramaut Governorate, on Thursday, August 1st, 2024, demanding a share of the oil revenue from the Al-Dhaba port and Al-Masila oil field, improved living conditions, and lower prices.

Local sources told "Barran Press" that the protesters, primarily from the Shakir area in Mukalla, had been demonstrating since the morning, following a 48-hour ultimatum issued by the Hadhramaut Tribes Alliance to the internationally recognized Yemeni government regarding the province's share of oil resources.

The sources reported that fishermen were among the protesters, voicing their grievances over the ban on fishing imposed by Emirati forces stationed at the airport for years, citing the economic hardship they face.

The fishing ban in the Shakir area dates back to 2017, following the liberation of Mukalla from Al-Qaeda by Emirati forces who took control of Riyan Airport and the adjacent coastline.

Despite the protests, Hadhramaut Governor Mabkhout bin Maadi failed to contain the situation and disperse the demonstrators, who vowed to continue their sit-in at the airport.

On Wednesday, July 31st, 2024, the Hadhramaut Tribes Alliance issued a 48-hour deadline to the legitimate government, demanding "real and effective partnership" regarding the oil resources in the Al-Dhaba port and Al-Masila field.

In a meeting, the alliance threatened to take control of the Al-Dhaba port and Al-Masila field, asserting their right to these resources as part of the province's rightful share.

A statement released by the alliance, obtained by "Barran Press," called upon President of the Presidential Leadership Council Rashad Al-Alimi to recognize Hadhramaut's rights and implement a partnership role similar to other parties involved in the comprehensive settlement.

The alliance warned against any attempt to dispose of, market, or export Hadhramaut's oil without securing and guaranteeing the rights of the province's people.

The statement emphasized that if their demands are not met within the 48-hour deadline, they will take action to secure their rights, considering the oil reserves in the Al-Dhaba port and Al-Masila field as belonging to the people of Hadhramaut.