Aden: Participants in "Ashal Million March" Continue to Arrive at Parade Ground Despite STC Crackdown

Saturday 6 Aug 2024 |2 months ago
From the demonstration at the parade square in Aden

Barran Press

Despite a heavy military presence and suppression by the Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces, participants in the "Ashal Million March" continued to arrive at the Parade Ground in Khormaksar District, Aden, on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024.

"Barran Press" reported that the demonstrators, who came to participate in a peaceful protest demanding the disclosure of the fate of the abducted Sheikh Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani, faced suppression by STC security and military formations. These formations attempted to prevent participants from entering the Parade Ground from all directions.

The STC forces reportedly fired live ammunition from various light and medium weapons at the demonstrators. There were also verbal altercations between participants and STC soldiers at several checkpoints and barriers.

Most of the participants, who came from Abyan Governorate, Ashal's home province, managed to enter Aden on foot after being prevented from entering by vehicle at STC checkpoints in Al-Alam and Dofus.

STC forces deployed throughout the streets of Aden, establishing checkpoints and barriers at the entrances to Khormaksar, including the bridge road, Al-Rehab roundabout, and Al-Aql. They prevented vehicles from reaching the Parade Ground.

Earlier in the day, STC security forces abducted several activists and proponents of the Ashal Million March from the Parade Ground and nearby areas.

On Friday, August 2nd, 2024, the security authorities in Abyan Governorate (southern Yemen) announced their rejection of the STC leadership's directive to prevent the passage of protesters and allow them to go out to the squares to demand the fate of the missing Brigadier General Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani.

In a memo seen by "Bran Press," Abyan security administration condemned the STC leadership's characterization of protesters from Abyan as "suspicious elements," affirming its full support for the protesters' demands.

Abyan security authorities confirmed their "suspension of any communication with the security committee in the capital Aden and their refusal to intercept any peaceful demonstrations expressing their opinion on the disclosure of the fate of Brigadier General Ali Ashal," adding, "It is not befitting for the higher authorities to call the sons of Abyan suspicious elements, and we categorically reject this."

Earlier, the STC leadership issued a directive to all military units to prevent the holding of any popular demonstrations in Abyan, Aden, and Lahj Governorates demanding the disclosure of Ashal's fate, who has been missing for months.

The Supreme Security Committee warned against organizing marches in Aden, following the intention of the family of the abducted and missing Brigadier General Ali Ashal to organize a million-man march on Saturday to demand the disclosure of his fate and the apprehension of those involved in his abduction.

The committee stated that "the marches could be exploited to spread chaos, especially in this dangerous stage, during which other parties, according to confirmed information, aim to create problems," it said.

Last Thursday, Abyan security held the leadership of the Presidential and Transitional Councils responsible for apprehending the main perpetrators of the abduction of Brigadier General Ali Ashal after they left the country.

According to the statement, Abyan security leadership announced its support for the family of the missing Ashal and the Al-Jaadani tribe in particular, and all the free and honorable people of the South in general through peaceful, legitimate, and non-political demands guaranteed by law and religion," affirming its support for "the Ashal Million March" scheduled to be held on August 3rd."

In response, Abyan security leadership requested the security agencies in the capital Aden and the Supreme Security Committee under the leadership of the Minister of Defense to protect the protesters from Abyan and all the people of the South who, it said, will arrive in their tens of thousands at the Parade Ground on Saturday.

Last Thursday, Aden Security Director (southern Yemen) Major General Mathar Al-Shaibi announced the results of investigations into the abduction of Sheikh Ali Abdullah Ashal Al-Jaadani, who was abducted on June 12th, 2024, in Aden, the temporary capital of the country, which is under the security control of the Southern Transitional Council.

Al-Shaibi, in a videotaped press briefing seen by "Barran Press," mentioned the names of the main suspects in the case, indicating that arrest warrants had been issued against them: "Yisran Al-Maqtri, Samer Al-Jandab, Ahmed Zidan, Samih Al-Nuraji, Tamam Al-Batta, Bakil Mukhtar, and Mahmoud Al-Hindi."

He stated that the commander of counter-terrorism in Aden, Yisran Al-Maqtri, and his deputy, Samer Al-Jandab, fled the country two days after the abduction of Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani, on June 16th.

On June 28th, Abyan tribes held a consultative meeting in Aden to discuss the disappearance of their son, Brigadier General Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani, in Aden. They threatened to escalate if he was not released unharmed, stating that the right to respond is guaranteed and options are open.

The tribes state that Al-Jaadani was abducted in Aden, the temporary capital of the country, on June 12th, and his fate remains unknown.