Yemeni Finance Ministry Accuses Interior Ministry of Lack of Transparency Amid Salary Crisis

Monday 1 Aug 2024 |1 month ago
Ministry of Finance Building - Aden (Facebook)

Barran Press

The Yemeni Finance Ministry, part of the internationally recognized government, has reiterated its commitment to paying salaries for all state employees in both the civilian and military sectors, including those in the Interior Ministry. However, the ministry has accused the Interior Ministry and other government departments of a lack of transparency regarding salary disbursements.

A senior Finance Ministry official, in a statement published on the ministry's website, stated that the ministry's commitment to paying salaries stems from its "national responsibility and consideration for the difficult living conditions of citizens during the current exceptional circumstances in the country."

The official emphasized that the Finance Ministry has been diligently paying salaries for the past year despite the failure of several ministries and government institutions, including the Interior Ministry, to adhere to the essential conditions for salary disbursement.

These conditions, according to the official, include "transparency in beneficiary data, showcasing disbursement results, and opening bank accounts to ensure that every salary recipient receives their payment directly."

The official lamented that despite a year of the Finance Ministry's efforts, the Interior Ministry and other institutions have not rectified the situation or complied with the essential conditions for salary disbursement. Instead, they have continued to delay and fail to meet these requirements.

The Finance Ministry official mentioned an initiative to assist the Interior Ministry in streamlining the salary disbursement process for its personnel, in accordance with the essential conditions, by exercising the Finance Ministry's oversight role.

The official stated that the Finance Minister issued a decree on June 10th, 2024, appointing a Director General of Accounts at the Interior Ministry. However, the Interior Ministry has not responded positively to this initiative.

The official alleged that the Interior Ministry has continued to insist on maintaining the previous situation without any corrections or adherence to the essential conditions for salary disbursement.

The salary crisis in the military and security institutions has intensified, with soldiers in areas under the control of the internationally recognized government complaining about months of unpaid salaries due to internal government disputes and conditions that impact their livelihoods. This situation has implications for security and military affairs.

The crisis comes amidst widespread hardship for the population due to the continuous decline of the local currency against foreign currencies and the soaring prices of essential and consumer goods, exceeding the purchasing power of citizens.