Party leaders speak to “Barran Press” about the role of “Islah - Marib ” in political and tribal cohesion to confront the Houthi coup and defend the republic

Wednesday 3 Sep 2024 |3 weeks ago
Islah Party celebrates its 34th anniversary

Barran Press | Report prepared by - Adnan Al-shehap:

 For the past decade, Marib, a strategically vital governorate in northeastern Yemen, has stood as a bulwark against the Houthi insurgency. It has become a beacon of political and societal unity, offering a unique model of resilience in the face of an existential threat.

At the forefront of Marib's unified stance stands the Yemeni Islah Party, a prominent political force in the governorate. They have chosen to confront the Houthi coup, diverging from the stance of central parties in Sana'a. This defiance has led to a historic alliance between Islah, the General People's Congress (GPC) in Marib, and other parties within the Joint Meeting Forum. All have united behind the local authorities and the community, forming a united front against the Houthis.

Marib's unwavering stance has made it a haven for Yemenis opposed to the Houthi's sectarian agenda. It has become the launchpad for the national struggle to reclaim the state from the grip of the Iranian-backed militia.

Over the past ten years, Islah in Marib, alongside other political organizations, tribal leaders, and community figures, has made significant sacrifices in defending the governorate, the state, the republican system, and national identity.

A Choice for the People

Mohammed Al-Yousefi, a prominent Islah leader in Marib, told Barran Press that the party "entered the heart of the battle with all its strength and confidence in its members and leadership. We participated in the defense of Marib from the very first day of the coup under the banner of 'resistance and defiance.'"

He added that "Islah in Marib, along with all the national forces and free people of Yemen who have come to Marib, have supported their brothers in the political, military, and security forces, in addition to the role of our brothers in the Arab coalition in continuing to defend Marib and Yemen."

Al-Yousefi asserted that "Islah's choice is the choice of the Yemeni people: to defend our homeland, our religion, our values, our morals, our identity, our freedom, and our beliefs."

He highlighted that "Islah has borne the heaviest burden in this battle and paid a high price in sacrifices, as the situation demands and the time dictates. Islah, with its grassroots, leadership, and institutions in Marib, stands in this battle alongside the state and legitimacy, and has dedicated all that the battle requires, watering its national principles with the blood of its leaders and members."

Al-Yousefi emphasized that "Islah's cause is Yemen, the land and the people, whom we consider everything. We have no other cause."

Pluralism and Partnership

Next Friday marks the 34th anniversary of the founding of the Yemeni Islah Party, following the reunification of North and South Yemen and the introduction of political pluralism in the country.

Al-Yousefi described this anniversary as "a precious and important memory in the history of modern Yemen, as it is the anniversary of pluralism and political participation, in which Islah played a significant role alongside other political forces."

Abdulhamid Al-sharabi, head of the GPC's media department in Marib, congratulated Islah's leadership and members on the 34th anniversary of its founding. He highlighted the historical relationship between the GPC and Islah since the GPC's establishment and the advent of pluralism, stating that Islah has been "a partner at times and a strong competitor at other times."

Al-Sharabi praised Islah's national role throughout various stages in Yemen's history, stating that it is "a venerable political party that has played many national roles." In a statement to Bran Press, he added that Islah is "a major party on the national scene, having enriched the experience of democracy, pluralism, freedom of opinion and expression, rights, and freedoms."

National Alliance and Sacrifices

Regarding the role of Islah in Marib alongside other components in the national struggle, Al-Sharabi stated: "In Marib, Islah, the GPC, and other political forces in the governorate have formed a unique tableau, a national alliance, and a front to defend Marib, the republic, and the identity."

He told Barran Press that "the consensus between the parties in Marib came after they shed the legacy of the past, with its conflicts and disputes." He emphasized the role of the parties in establishing positions to defend Marib and the republic at a crucial and historical moment that will be recorded in history.

According to Al-Sharabi, "the parties in Marib have rekindled hope among Yemenis that the republic is safe and that there are those who are confronting the Houthi militia to restore the state and protect the republic."

Within this context, the head of the GPC's media department in Marib stated: "Islah has made many sacrifices in the field, from its senior and field leadership to all levels of its organization." He highlighted "the role of Islah in Marib and its contribution, along with other political forces, in managing public affairs in the governorate, providing an environment of freedom and freedom of expression, and activating state institutions."

Al-Sharabi expressed his admiration for this stance, saying that it has made Marib a republican, revolutionary symbol and a difficult number. Marib has been a model for liberated governorates. He expressed his hope that this unique state of alignment, which represents a high level of political work and advanced awareness in managing risks and the duty that threatens the homeland and the republic in the face of these threats, will continue for the sake of the homeland, the revolution, and the republic.

Political Cohesion

Saleh Al-Mousai, head of the student department of the Islah Party in Marib, addressed the political and societal cohesion of Marib's people after the Houthi militia's control of the capital Sana'a, the constitutional legitimacy, and the outcomes of the National Dialogue.

Al-Mousai spoke to Barran Press about the prominent role of Islah in Marib in confronting the Houthi aggression and strengthening political unity and the national social fabric.

He stated that "Islah participated in building a strong political dam through an alliance with political parties in Marib, at the forefront of which is the GPC. The first fruits of this alliance were the issuance of a joint statement rejecting the coup and declaring their support for the people of Marib in confronting this coup."

He added that "Islah youth have joined the armed popular resistance and have offered convoys of martyrs and wounded to repel the Houthi militia's aggression against Marib."

Unwavering Stance

Abdu Shamlan, deputy head of the political department of the Islah Party in Marib, told Barran Press that "Marib has played a decisive role in the past and present in confronting the Imams and defending the republic, and has offered convoys of martyrs and wounded in this cause."

After "the fall of the capital Sana'a in late 2014," Abdu Shamlan said that Marib "decided to confront those Houthi hordes that exploited the state's capabilities and the weapons of its camps to overthrow the republic and constitutional legitimacy." He highlighted the role played by "Islah in Marib in building alliances with various political and tribal factions in the governorate, with the aim of uniting the ranks in the face of the Houthi militia and reclaiming the state and the republic."

He stated that "the stance of the tribes and parties in Marib is a stance that history will record," adding that "the parties in Marib have made defending Marib, the republic, and legitimacy sacred goals, transcending all political interests, calculations, and personal gains."