In an Exclusive interview with "Barran Press": Minister Al-Bakri Praises Marib's Resilience and Calls for Unity in Yemen

Tuesday 2 Sep 2024 |3 weeks ago
Naife Saleh Al-Bakry

Barran Press

Minister of Youth and Sports and Head of the Southern Resistance Leadership Council in Aden, Naife Saleh Al-Bakry, has lauded the Marib governorate for its resilience and the "wise" leadership displayed during the past decade.

Speaking to "Barran Press" on the 10th anniversary of Matareh Marib defense lines, Al-Bakry described the oil and gas-rich governorate as a "frontline" in the face of numerous challenges. He highlighted the "professional and responsible" role played by the local authorities in Marib, who he said have managed to concurrently manage the war effort, advance development projects, and protect national institutions.

Al-Bakry further emphasized that Marib has "safeguarded vital facilities, national achievements, and laid the foundations for security and stability." He also acknowledged the role of Marib in providing refuge for hundreds of thousands of displaced people and in facilitating the integration of thousands of soldiers and tribal fighters into the armed forces.

A Courageous Stand

Al-Bakry, who served as the first governor of Aden after its liberation from Houthi control in July 2015, described Marib's resistance against the Houthi offensive as a "courageous and heroic stand." He stated, "As we commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Marib defense lines, we recall that courageous stand and the heroic efforts in forming the human shield and the first line of defense against the Iranian-backed Houthi militias."

He expressed admiration for what he described as "the historic decision and unique experience of Marib," which he said "embodied a spirit of belonging and affirmed the meaning of national and societal cohesion, as well as responsible performance alongside the local authority, under the leadership of Major General Sultan Al-Arada, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council and Governor of Marib."

Al-Bakry praised Al-Arada for his leadership and management skills, crediting him and the military, political, and tribal leaders for creating a national front against the Houthis.

An Inspiring Model

Al-Bakry stressed the importance of Marib's model, achieved amidst a raging war, serving as "an inspiration for all stages." He emphasized the need for everyone to understand that Marib's strength stems from "national and societal cohesion, wise and responsible management, and a unified community will capable of protecting state institutions, strengthening the rule of law, implementing development projects, and thwarting any aggressive or subversive plans."

"I am not here to offer advice, as Marib and its people have taught others," he said. "But it is important to reiterate the lessons we learned from Marib, that Marib is precious, and that the sacrifices made over nearly 10 years and the successes achieved necessitate everyone working as a united team, continuing efforts to achieve development and prosperity, and continuing projects to build the state and strengthen its institutions."

Al-Bakry underscored the need for the "ingredients of success witnessed during the war years to be present in the future vision, to remain an inspiration for generations, and for the model to be appreciated by all."

He believes this can only be achieved by "prioritizing the public interest over narrow interests, increasing cooperation in finding solutions to problems, standing united against challenges, working together to strengthen security and judicial institutions, establishing security and stability, and promoting understanding and building mutual trust."

Al-Bakry also emphasized the importance of "learning from past successes and failures to improve performance, develop projects and strategies continuously, and set an example for other areas and governorates in Yemen."

Message to Marib 

In a poignant address commemorating the tenth anniversary of Marib's steadfast defense of the republic and national identity, Minister al-Bakry sent powerful messages through "Barran Press" to Marib, its tribes, political parties, and local authorities. He hailed this significant milestone as a testament to the valor displayed against the Houthi militia, proclaiming, "Long live Marib, the symbol of resilience and dignity. My heartfelt salute of love, loyalty, and appreciation goes to you."

Al-Bakry particularly acknowledged the tribes of Marib for their unwavering unity against the Houthi rebellion. He emphasized their role as bastions of loyalty and national pride, stating, "You have set remarkable examples of sacrifice and honor. As the shield of Yemen, continue to uphold this legacy and remember the sacrifices of the heroes who laid down their lives to protect our land and dignity. Let the dream of a secure and stable homeland drive your pursuit of noble goals."

In his message to political parties, al-Bakry noted the exceptional role they played during a time of division and conflicting interests, saying, "You exemplified how to rise above disputes and prioritize the nation's welfare over narrow agendas. Your successful experience should serve as a model across Yemen. Continue to foster political unity, strengthen trust among various factions, and promote dialogue, tolerance, and coexistence."

Turning to the local authorities, whom he referred to as "wise leaders," he remarked, "Your achievements are evident and a testament to responsible and visionary leadership. Through your efforts, you have thwarted Iranian ambitions and maintained security and stability. Use this anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on the future and continue the liberation project. Strengthen institutions and drive development; you are the hope for restoring the state."

The Minister of Youth and Sports concluded his remarks by addressing "all the brave heroes of Marib who have joined the struggle to protect the republic." He declared, "You have proven that Yemen will not fall, and its people can reclaim their state. Your determination and commitment to dignity are powerful. Continue your fight; you are the hope for Yemen and its citizens."

On September 18, 2014, tribes in Marib established armed popular camps known as "Matareh" in the regions of Nakhla and Al-Saheel, in response to the escalating Houthi threat to seize the province by force. This tribal initiative, a deeply rooted custom to confront dangers, came two months after the Houthis intensified their attacks on the tribes in border areas adjacent to Al-Jawf and Sana'a, following their capture of the city of Amran in July 2014 and their advance toward the capital, which they seized on September 21, 2014.