Houthi Chief Negotiator Rejects Peace Talks, Links Attacks to "Axis of Resistance"

Friday 5 Jun 2024 |3 months ago
Mohammed Abdulsalam

Barran Press

 Mohammed Abdulsalam, the chief negotiator for the Houthi group and its spokesperson, has categorically rejected a resumption of peace talks and the implementation of the UN roadmap in exchange for halting their attacks on commercial vessels.

In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Abdulsalam stated that the Houthis had received messages from the United States, conveyed through intermediaries, urging them to stop attacks on international shipping and avoid escalating the conflict. However, he confirmed their refusal to comply.

The Houthi negotiator explicitly linked their attacks on vessels to the so-called "Axis of Resistance," a reference to Iran's regional allies with whom he claimed they have a close relationship. He asserted that their attacks "proved the existence of a resistance axis that speaks and acts," highlighting its ability to "rise up and move when necessary."

Regarding the peace agreement and the UN roadmap, Abdulsalam acknowledged its readiness before being put on hold following the "Al-Aqsa Flood" incident, though it was not formally canceled. He emphasized Saudi Arabia's continued commitment to the roadmap, which he described as being in a "state of stagnation." While acknowledging the Houthis' desire to avoid stagnation and regression, he confirmed ongoing communication with Saudi officials through Oman.

He reassured Saudi Arabia, stating, "We don't want stagnation and regression, especially when there is a practical and actual regression even from the truce and de-escalation, which we don't want to reach. If you are committed to the roadmap, truce, and de-escalation, we should at least continue to implement them."

In December 2023, the UN announced that Yemeni parties had reached an understanding to commit to a set of measures, including a nationwide ceasefire, improvements to living conditions in Yemen, and preparations for a comprehensive political process under UN auspices.

The roadmap and peace efforts in Yemen have stalled since November 2023 due to Houthi attacks on commercial cargo ships in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Gulf of Aden.

On June 13, 2024, the United States, through its alternate representative to the Security Council, Ambassador Robert Wood, stated during a UN Security Council session on Yemen that the comprehensive UN roadmap for resolving the Yemeni crisis remains the "best path forward, and the path we hope will lead to a lasting end to the conflict in Yemen."

He added, "Despite clear warnings and unified condemnation from countries around the world, the Houthis have also continued their reckless attacks in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and surrounding waterways, with increasingly negative consequences for peace and security, as well as global trade."

The US ambassador called on the Houthis to "comply with Resolution 2722 and immediately cease their attacks on commercial and merchant ships, which would allow for the unimpeded delivery of food and supplies to ports in Yemen, as well as to Sudan and other countries with populations in dire need."

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