Brigadier General Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Aqili: A Loyal Sab'ean Leader for the Republic (Profile)

Saturday 6 Jun 2024 |3 months ago
Brigadier General Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Aqili

Barran Press

“We stand with the state and refuse to be replaced by militias... We fight, we resort to the state, which is the reference for all” – this is one of the historic pronouncements of tribal leader and prominent military commander Brigadier General Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Aqili.

Al-Aqili made this statement as the Houthi group, internationally classified as a terrorist organization, was sweeping through Yemeni cities and taking control after invading the capital Sana'a in late 2014, mobilizing its fighters and equipment towards the province of Marib.

However, the tribes of Marib had their decisive word, rejecting the Houthi coup against the Yemeni government and declaring their support for the state. Sheikh Al-Aqili was one of the most prominent sheikhs of the province who led the confrontation.

Brigadier General Ahmed Saleh Ahmed Al-Aqili was born on August 15, 1968. He is the father of seven sons and four daughters.

He is one of the sheiks of the Al-Aqil tribe, which is present in the districts of Harb in the southeast of Marib province and Ain in the west of Shabwa province. He is known for his social stances, his role in resolving disputes and societal problems, and his efforts to address tribal feuds.

With the State Against Domination

Al-Aqili was one of the key founders of the popular camps for the defense of Marib province, known as "Matarah Nakhla and Al-Suhail," which were established on September 18, 2014. All the people of Marib, regardless of their political and social affiliations, flocked to these camps.

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net published on January 12, 2015, Al-Aqili stated that the Marib tribe "possesses sufficient strength" to defend itself and the province's vital installations if the Houthi group decided to enter Marib.

Regarding the Houthis' objectives in controlling Marib, he explained that they are "aggressors who want to dominate and control oil, gas, and energy resources." He added, "This is the wealth of all Yemenis, and we will not accept it falling into the hands of the Houthis so they can control the state."

He affirmed that the tribes "stand with the state and are not an alternative to it in protecting the oil and gas fields and the power plant in Marib."

A Courageous Military Leader

On the ground, Al-Aqili participated in the fighting against the Houthi group on numerous battlefronts across the theater of operations, from Sana'a to Marib, Al-Bayda, and Shabwa.

In February 2015, Al-Aqili mobilized the people of his district to support the popular resistance in the "Qaniya front" south of Marib province on the border with Al-Bayda province, which the Houthi group had invaded from Sana'a and Dhamar.

In late March 2015, Al-Aqili led the defense of the Harb district south of Marib, as well as the districts of Bayhan and Ain in the west of Shabwa province.

In April 2015, he participated in leading the battles against the Houthi group in the Serwah district west of Marib province, where he sustained his third injury.

In June 2015, he began forming the "Hazm Brigades," which, alongside the 26th Mechanized Infantry Brigade led by Brigadier General Mfarah Buhaibah, the popular resistance brigades, and other units, fought fierce battles against the Houthis in Bayhan.

He then moved to support the fighters in the fronts of Al-Balq, Al-Jafina, Al-Sad, and Kofl around the city of Marib, participating in the liberation of these areas until reaching the outskirts of Serwah in October 2015.

On the Serwah fronts, Al-Aqili participated in leading the battles against the Houthis until March 2016. In the same month, he moved to participate in leading the battle to liberate the Harb and Ain districts, reaching the Majjabjab area north of Bayhan.

In late December 2016, he led the operation to liberate the Saq mountains north of Bayhan and remained stationed on the same front until the liberation of Bayhan in mid-December 2017. During the battle, he was injured in his right arm while leading the fighters in the liberation operation.

Despite his injury, he participated in completing the liberation of Bayhan, as well as the liberation of the Na'man and Nati' districts north of Al-Bayda. In the "Nati' front," Al-Aqili fought several confrontations against the Houthis, leading the fighters with courage and determination in the Qaraha mountains west of Nati' on the border with the Al-Mulajam district.

On March 15, 2018, a presidential decree was issued to form the "Bayhan Axis" within the third military region, led by Brigadier General Mfarah Buhaibah, and to name the "Hazm Brigades" as the 153rd Infantry Brigade under the command of Al-Aqili, forming it within the Axis brigades alongside the 26th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, the 19th Infantry Brigade, the 163rd Infantry Brigade, and the 173rd Infantry Brigade.

On June 20, 2018, Al-Aqili led the fighters in the liberation battles from the Nati' Axis, reaching the road connecting the Qan'dh'a Pass and Fadhah north of Al-Bayda.

Hero's End

Brigadier General Ahmed Saleh Al-Aqeili, a prominent tribal and military leader, met his tragic end on Thursday, June 21, 2018, while leading troops to liberate the paved road leading to Al-Qanadh in the Na'at district of northern Al-Bayda. He was killed in an explosion caused by landmines.

Al-Aqeili's death marked the end of a heroic journey that spanned nearly half a decade, during which he spearheaded the defense and liberation efforts in the provinces of Ma'rib, Shabwa, and Al-Bayda. These battles were fought during one of the most perilous periods in Yemen's history.

A Courageous Fighter

President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, in a phone call to the martyr's father, Sheikh Saleh Ahmed Al-Aqeili, mourned the loss of a "noble man, a courageous and valiant fighter, a loyal and dedicated patriot." He considered Al-Aqeili's passing a "great national loss" during this critical juncture where he played a pivotal role.

"The martyr, Brigadier General Ahmed Saleh Al-Aqeili, led the frontlines, participating in the liberation of Ma'rib, Shabwa, and Al-Bayda from the criminal Houthi militia," Hadi stated. "He sacrificed everything for Yemen and its people, fighting against the militia that ravaged the country and ultimately triumphed for his homeland."

A Model Leader

Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh, in a condolence message, lauded Al-Aqeili's valor and heroism displayed on various battlefields. "He shed his pure blood many times, returning to the frontlines time and again until he met his Lord as a martyr, facing death bravely, defending the dignity of the people, their principles, and the goals of their glorious revolutions," Saleh wrote.

"Brigadier General Al-Aqeili was a model of a seasoned leader, a dedicated soldier, and a free and proud Yemeni who rejected the priesthood and stood bravely against the invading militia that spread corruption in the land," he added.

A Legacy of Courage and Integrity

Beyond his contributions during this crucial period, Al-Aqeili was known for his wisdom, courage, and generosity throughout his life. He was respected for his honesty, kindness, noble character, and good conduct.

"The path that martyrs like Brigadier General Al-Aqeili and those who came before him are walking on, confirms beyond doubt the determination of the army and all free Yemenis," Saleh asserted. "They are determined to liberate every inch of Yemen and bury the last remnants of the sectarian, racist Imamate, which is subservient to Iran's destructive project."

A Social Advocate

Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr praised Al-Aqeili's heroism and sacrifices on numerous fronts in Ma'rib, Bayhan, and Al-Bayda. He highlighted Al-Aqeili's significant role in supporting the frontlines and his social contributions in "reconciling differences and resolving issues in the region."

"With the departure of martyr Al-Aqeili, the nation has lost one of its most loyal and dedicated men," Daghr stated. "He died defending his homeland and the values of the republic. History will remember his sacrifices in its white pages, as he rejected the Imamate, servitude, and sectarianism, fighting for his homeland, its constitutional legitimacy, and the federal state that Yemenis agreed upon at the National Dialogue Conference."

A Courageous and Loyal Commander

The Ministry of Defense and the General Staff Headquarters mourned the loss of Al-Aqeili, describing him as "one of the military leaders who recorded heroic roles and eternal struggles in rebuilding the military institution and in the battles to defend the revolution, the republic, and its great achievements."

"With his departure, the nation has lost one of its noblest, most honest, and loyal men who recorded courageous stances against the Houthi coup militia and demonstrated exemplary heroism in all fields of honor and sacrifice," the statement added.

"The martyr was a valiant, courageous, loyal fighter, a dedicated leader, and a man of sincere stances in loyalty and national devotion," the statement continued. "He stood tall and early against the Houthi coup militia and their destructive projects that dream of returning to the dark past. He was among the first men who sided with the homeland and the choices of the Yemeni people, dedicating themselves to safeguarding national gains and the hopes and aspirations of Yemenis to restore their security, stability, and build their future."

A Battlefield Legend

The Ministry of Defense statement concluded: "The martyr hero recorded courageous stances, stood tall in all battles to defeat the coup militia, and was at the forefront of the ranks, embodying soldiery and military prowess. He led the liberation battles in the fronts of Ma'rib, Al-Jawf, Sana'a, Shabwa, and Al-Bayda, commanding operations to recapture several positions and areas. He was not deterred by the numerous injuries he sustained from continuing the struggle and sacrificing sincerely and loyally, giving his all for Yemen."

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