Landmine Kills Civilian in Hodeidah, Yemen, 8km From Frontlines

Thursday 4 Jul 2024 |2 months ago
Landmine Kills Civilian in Hodeidah, Yemen, 8km From Frontlines

Barran Press

 A landmine planted by the Houthi group, designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, killed a civilian in the Abs district of Hodeidah governorate, 8 kilometers from the frontlines, local sources reported on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

The official Yemeni news agency, Saba, quoted sources as saying that the victim, Abdullah Ahmed Kadim (35), was killed when he detonated a landmine while collecting "thmam" tree branches in the Makhshoush village of the Bani Hassan district in northern Abs.

The sources stated that the area where the mine exploded is open land, located approximately 8 kilometers from the battle lines.

The agency reported that the Houthis have planted thousands of landmines in civilian farms, villages, livestock grazing areas, and livelihoods, turning them into dangerous zones.

UN reports indicate that the Houthis have planted nearly two million landmines in various areas under their control, resulting in the deaths and injuries of over 20,000 civilians, mostly women and children. rights reports accuse the Houthis of "transforming Yemen into the world's largest minefield" by planting over two million landmines. Human rights organizations have repeatedly called on the Houthi group to provide maps of the landmines they have planted to organizations working in mine clearance.

The incident underscores the ongoing threat posed by landmines in Yemen, highlighting the urgent need for demining efforts and the accountability of those responsible for planting these deadly devices.

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