Lightning Strikes in Yemen Claim Four Lives, Raising Death Toll to 53 Since July

Saturday 6 Aug 2024 |2 months ago
Lightning Strikes

Barran Press

Heavy thunderstorms in the northern Yemeni governorates of Saada and Hajjah on Friday, August 2nd, 2024, claimed the lives of four individuals, bringing the total number of lightning strike victims in Yemen to 53 since the beginning of July.

According to local sources in Hajjah, a lightning strike killed "Ghalib Al-Salami" and his mother in the village of "Kar'a" in the Kuhlan Afar district. Another strike claimed the life of "Muta'ab Ahmed Saleh" in the Bani Sraa'a area of the Shaghadar district.

The sources reported that additional lightning strikes in the governorate resulted in the deaths of 21 sheep in the "Salib" valley in the Kuyda'na district and 16 sheep in the "Aslam" district.

In Saada, local sources confirmed that a lightning strike killed "Mohammed Saleh Al-Marani."

Since the beginning of July, Barran Press has documented the deaths of 32 people, including women and children, and the injuries of 17 others due to lightning strikes in various governorates.

Following the latest strikes in Hajjah and Saada, the total number of lightning strike victims in Yemen has risen to 36 deaths and 17 injuries since the beginning of July 2024.

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