Lightning Strikes Claim Three Lives in Al-Mahwit and Hajjah, Death Toll Rises to 56 Since July

Monday 1 Aug 2024 |2 months ago
Lightning Strikes

Barran Press

Local sources reported on Sunday, August 4, 2024, that a young man was killed by lightning in the governorates of Al-Mahwit and Hajjah (northwest Yemen), bringing the total number of lightning strike victims in Yemen to 56 dead and injured since the beginning of July.

Sources told "Barran Press" that a lightning strike killed 19-year-old Rashad Adel Abdo Al-Ataki in the "Bilad Ghul Dar Malh" area. The young man was transported to the "Al-Rajm Rural Hospital" but arrived dead.

In Hajjah Governorate (northwest Yemen), local sources reported that lightning killed a citizen named Dhahiqi Hazazi and his daughter in the "Al-Hzahiz" village in the "Bani Qais" district.

In Amran Governorate (north Yemen), lightning struck a citizen's home in the "Al-Amshiya" area of the "Harf Sufyan" district. The strike caused fires in the roof, electrical wires, and furniture, and shattered windows.

Since the beginning of July, "Bran Press" has recorded the deaths of 36 people, including women and children, and injuries to 17 others due to lightning strikes in several governorates. This brings the total number of victims to 39 dead and 17 injured.

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