US Condemns Houthi Seizure of UN Human Rights Office in Sana'a

Thursday 4 Aug 2024 |1 month ago
US State Department Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Barran Press

The United States on Thursday, August 15, 2024, condemned the Houthi group's raid on the UN Human Rights Office in Sana'a, Yemen. The US, which designates the Houthis as a terrorist organization, warned that the action could further hinder the delivery of aid to Yemenis.

In a statement released by the US Embassy in Yemen, Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State Vedant Patel stated, "The United States strongly condemns the Houthis' seizure of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana'a."

The statement asserted that the Houthi raid and seizure of the High Commissioner's office violated international norms, highlighting the group's disregard for fundamental international practices.

The US expressed concern that the Houthi actions would exacerbate the obstruction of aid delivery to Yemeni civilians, who have been enduring the hardships of the ongoing crisis for an extended period.

The statement reiterated the US's continued support for a negotiated peace in Yemen under UN auspices and its unwavering backing for the work of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and other agencies assisting the Yemeni people.

"There can be no lasting solution to the Yemeni conflict as long as the Houthis continue to attack international ships and threaten their neighbors and the Yemeni people," the statement concluded.

The Houthis have not yet responded to the US statement. However, the Iran-backed group had previously announced on Tuesday that they had apprehended members of an "American-Israeli spy network operating under the guise of humanitarian organizations," a claim denied by the UN.

On Tuesday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk confirmed that the Houthi de facto authorities had raided the UN Human Rights Office in Sana'a last week.

Türk stated in a statement that the unauthorized entry into a UN office and the forceful seizure of documents and property were in direct violation of the UN Convention on Privileges and Immunities.

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