Aden Court to Issue Verdict in Sheikh Abdurrahman Mar'i Assassination Case

Tuesday 2 Sep 2024 |1 month ago
The Criminal Court in Aden announces the postponement of the assassination case of “Sheikh Abdul Rahman Mar'i to issue a verdict

Barran Press

Aden, Yemen - The Specialized Criminal Court in Aden, Yemen's temporary capital, held its fifth session on Monday, September 2, 2024, to consider the case of the assassination of Sheikh Abdurrahman Mar'i al-Adani. The session was presided over by Judge Yahya al-Saeedi.

According to human rights sources who spoke to "Barran Press," the court questioned the prosecution about the presence of witness Mehran al-Qabati. The prosecution stated that they were unable to bring him as he was out of the country and that they were relying on the case file's investigations and evidence presented during the trial.

During the session, the defendants' lawyer, Aref al-Halami, presented a 12-page closing argument. He stated that his clients, the defendants, were surprised by the shooting of the victim and were unaware of a planned murder. They believed it was a kidnapping, not a killing.

Al-Halami requested that the criminal charges filed by the prosecution be dismissed, the demand for legal retribution by the victim's family be rejected, and the case be returned to the prosecution for further investigation. He also called for the defendants' acquittal.

The victim's family lawyer, Saleh al-Amri, countered by stating that "the elements of the crime were present with premeditation and ambush. The defendants admitted to monitoring the victim's movements with their gang and carrying weapons at the time of the crime."

While al-Amri demanded the defendants be sentenced to legal retribution, the court decided to close the argument phase and adjourned the case until Monday, September 9, 2024, for the verdict to be announced.

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