Former Central Bank Governor Highlights Marib's Role in Defending Yemen's Institutions

Tuesday 2 Sep 2024 |3 weeks ago
Former Central Bank Governor Highlights Marib's Role in Defending Yemen's Institutions

Barran Press

Hafedh Fakher Meyad, former governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, has lauded the role of Marib's local authorities in resisting the Houthi insurgency and supporting the relocation of the Central Bank to Aden. In a statement to "Bran Press" coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Marib's "Matareh" (tribal defense camps), Meyad highlighted Marib's unique experience in uniting political and social forces against the Houthis.

"Marib has presented a unique experience over the past decade, where local authorities have united with all political and social components, setting an exemplary model in defending the republican system and promoting peace and coexistence," said Meyad.

He emphasized the importance of drawing lessons from Marib's experience in the fight to restore the state and achieve peace in Yemen. "We all witnessed the national and heroic stance demonstrated by the local authorities, security and military forces, political parties, tribes, and community components in Marib during 2014, in defending the governorate and rejecting the Houthi coup against the legitimate government and national consensus."

Meyad specifically praised the leadership of Governor Sultan al-Arada, stating that his "pivotal role at the local and national levels" was evident in the successful coordination of efforts to defend Marib and protect its vital institutions, including the Central Bank branch.

He highlighted the local authorities' decision to sever administrative and political ties with Sana'a after the city fell under Houthi control, citing the Houthis' interference in the bank's operations and their eventual plundering of its resources.

Meyad praised the Marib authorities' support for the relocation of the Central Bank to Aden, emphasizing their positive cooperation in linking the Marib branch to the headquarters in Aden. He attributed this success to the directives of former President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and the collaboration of the Ministry of Finance and the Marib local authorities under Governor al-Arada.

In conclusion, Meyad underscored Marib's crucial role in resisting the Houthi coup and maintaining the presence of state institutions despite the ongoing war. He highlighted the historical significance of Marib's commitment to the constitution, state institutions, and its willingness to defend them in the face of danger, rejecting the Houthi's ideology of dominance and clerical rule.

The establishment of the "Matareh" defense camps in 2014, a traditional tribal response to threats, marked a turning point in Marib's resistance against the Houthi advance. These camps played a vital role in protecting the governorate from Houthi forces, demonstrating the resilience and determination of Marib's people to safeguard their homeland.

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