Islah Parliament Speaker “Abdul Razzaq Al-Hejri” to “Barran Press”: Marib and its tribes restored the Republic, the state and the dignity of Yemen

Friday 5 Sep 2024 |2 weeks ago
Islah Parliament Speaker “Abdul Razzaq Al-Hejri"

Barran Press

Abdulrazzaq Al-Hejri, a member of the Supreme Council of the Yemeni Islah Party and head of its parliamentary bloc, has praised the role of Marib Governorate and all its tribes, political, and social components in confronting the Houthis' coup against the state in 2014.

In a special statement to "Barran Press" coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the "Matareh" (camps) of Ma'rib, Al-Hejri said, "The tribes of Marib and Marib itself restored the republic, the state, the Yemeni tribe, and Yemeni dignity in every sense of the word."

On September 18, 2014, tribes in Marib established armed popular camps known as "Matareh" on the northern, western, and southern outskirts of the city to confront the escalating Houthi offensive aimed at seizing the governorate by force.

This step, a traditional tribal custom to confront threats, came after two months of Houthi mobilization and attacks on tribal members in the border areas with Al-Jawf and Sana'a governorates. This followed the Houthis' capture of Amran city in July 2014 and their advance towards the capital Sana'a, ultimately seizing it on September 21, 2014.

The Islah parliamentarian considered these "Matareh" as the nucleus of national resistance against the "Houthi sectarian and priestly project, which saw governorates fall one after another due to various factors, including collusion and betrayals."

He stated that Marib "withstood and shattered this project, pushing it back, breaking its violence and pride that it boasted of." He added that this national stand was led by "the great fighter, Sheikh Sultan Al-Arada."

Regarding the role of the local authority during the "Matareh" in 2014, Al-Hejri said it played "the biggest and most prominent role in managing this great work in confronting the Imami priesthood, with the tribes of Marib, history, and civilization rallying around them."

The politician praised the "noble, generous, and honorable" tribes of Marib, who, he said, "unfortunately, for decades under the republican regime, certain circles in power have been projecting a negative and inappropriate image of Marib, its tribes, and its loyal men."

Regarding this distortion, he said, "We don't know what prompted those circles to project this negative image, but the events of 2014 restored the republic, the state, the Yemeni tribe, and Yemeni dignity in every sense of the word."

Regarding the model presented by Marib, Al-Hejri said, "This giant and honorable governorate, with its local authority, tribes, parties, and social components, has set a shining example in confronting the coup and restoring the state."

He added that Marib also presented "a leading image and model for the state and state authority, a wonderful model for coexistence and acceptance of the other, and a wonderful model for welcoming all Yemenis in this great governorate. It has given many of its sons as martyrs and wounded, and it has embraced its brothers from all governorates without harm."

He expressed gratitude to Marib, saying, "This great and honorable governorate, we cannot deny its right, deserves all appreciation, respect, and reverence." He added that "the position of its tribes, local authority, and parties is a model to be followed in all governorates."

He said that Marib "shattered the bets of many who were betting on its being an easy prey for the militia or falling victim to those diseases that arise from the womb of wars and conflicts." He affirmed that it will remain "an icon of struggle and an icon of the republic, it will remain our pride and honor, we are proud of it, it will remain towering in the hearts of all Yemenis."

The head of the Islah parliamentary bloc saluted Marib and all its components, saying, "To Marib, its leader, its governor Sheikh Sultan Al-Arada, its tribes, its sheikhs, its individuals, its parties, and all its sons, young and old, all greetings, reverence, and respect."

He expressed pride in the governorate's cultural and struggle role, saying, "Marib of history and civilization... Marib of the revolution... Marib that still today retains the memorial to the great revolutionary leader Ali Abdul Mughni, and the history of Sheikh Ali Nasser Al-Qarda'i, who confronted the Imam and other honorable men and heroes of Marib."

In closing his statement to "Barran Press," the member of the Islah Supreme Council congratulated "our great Yemeni people, Marib, its tribes, and its loyal men on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the immortal September 26 Revolution."


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