Taiz Road Opening: A Houthi Lie or a Sign of Change?

Saturday 6 Jun 2024 |4 months ago
Nabil Jamel

Barran Press

Nabil Jamel, a member of the government negotiating committee responsible for opening the roads in Taiz Governorate, conveyed on Friday, June 7, 2024, that the road recently announced as open by the Houthi group, internationally recognized as a terrorist organization, is "a road of utmost importance to the people of Taiz, and it has already been opened by the legitimate authorities in Taiz city."

In an exclusive statement to Barran Press, Jamel revealed that the negotiating committee had consistently demanded the opening of the road in question, the Qasr El-Kamb tour road, during all previous negotiation rounds. He expressed hope that this time the Houthi group would acknowledge the reality. Jamel stated, "If they choose not to believe it, then it will be another instance of their deceit and falsehood, further tarnishing their credibility."

Jamel emphasized that throughout the negotiation process, the Houthi group had consistently refused to open the Qasr El-Kamb road for discussion, instead prioritizing other routes. However, following the Houthi's announcement of its opening, they expressed their response and approval.

Regarding the seriousness of the Houthi's commitment to opening the roads, a member of the government negotiating committee downplayed their intent, stating that their deceit in this matter came at the expense of the thousands of people enduring the siege and suffering in Taiz.

Jamel highlighted previous instances of the Houthi group's untruthfulness, including the 2016 agreement and the Stockholm Agreement, both of which saw the group fail to implement the agreed-upon provisions. He also mentioned their falsehoods in April 2022 during the armistice agreement, where the opening of Sanaa airport and the port of Hodeidah were promised but not fulfilled. The Houthi group similarly reneged on their commitment to open the roads of Taiz.

Jamel pointed out that the Houthi group did not respond to the recent initiatives proposed by the governor of the governorate and Sheikh Sultan Al-Arada, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, aimed at opening the roads.

"We, in Taiz, are aware of the Houthi's propensity for lying, but despite their deceit, we continue to offer hope to the people. We closely monitor their statements, whether they believe them or not. Tomorrow, the government negotiating committee will be present, and we hope the group will demonstrate belief and allow citizens to pass, as they declared," added Jamel.

When asked about guarantees regarding the opening of the roads, Jamel responded, "No one trusts the Houthi group. They have failed to honor any guarantees or promises in the past, which has eroded their credibility."

Jamel accused "every one" of abandoning Taiz, highlighting the international community's inability to exert pressure on the Houthi group to enforce the signed agreements or open the roads.

Addressing the timing of the Houthi group's announcement, Jamel acknowledged that even if it stemmed from economic considerations or the deteriorating economic situation in Houthi-controlled areas, they were willing to accept the opening of these roads to alleviate the suffering of the people of Taiz.

He explained, "We are discussing a road that, if the Houthi group believes in its opening, would reduce travel time between the city and Al-Hawban from seven hours on rough roads to a mere ten minutes. These remote routes not only pose a danger to people's lives but also lead to vehicle depreciation and impose economic burdens on citizens."

Earlier in the day, the Taiz Military Axis leadership stated to Barran Press, declaring that "all roads in Taiz are open under the control of the armed forces." They regarded the Houthi group's announcement of opening the Qasr Tour road as mere propaganda without practical implementation on the ground.

The statement clarified that the Houthi group's actions merely involved removing dirt from one of the 15 barricades they had previously erected, allowing cars to pass through. The purpose was to portray the government as an obstructive party, while in reality, the roads were completely open without any restrictions or conditions. The responsibility for closing roads, planting mines, and deploying snipers lay solely with the treacherous Houthi militias.

Earlier today, Ahmed Amin al-Massawi, a leader of the Houthi group appointed as governor of Taiz, unilaterally announced the opening of the Jawlat al-Qasr road east of Taiz city. Social media activists shared video clips and images of equipment removing dirt barriers in the Al-Qasr roundabout, east of Taiz.

The Houthi group's sudden announcement was met with widespread ridicule from social media users, who questioned the sincerity of their road opening claim due to the ongoing siege and the potential dangers posed by mines and snipers along these routes.

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