Yemeni Chief of Staff: "We are Preparing for an Upcoming Battle, and We are Destined for Victory"

Thursday 4 Sep 2024 |2 weeks ago

Barran Press

 In an exclusive interview with "Barran Press," Yemen's Chief of Staff and Commander of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Sagheir Hamoud bin Aziz, declared that the Yemeni Armed Forces are preparing for an upcoming battle against the Houthi rebels, stating that "we are destined for victory." He emphasized the importance of the battlefields in Marib, which he described as "the nucleus and the good seed planted by the tribes of deter and curb the Houthi terrorist group that has overrun most of the provinces."

General bin Aziz lauded the role of the Arab Coalition supporting the Yemeni government, led by Saudi Arabia, stating that "what they have provided for Yemen in all fields is etched in the memory of the Yemeni people." He added, "If it weren't for God, then the Arab Coalition, Yemen today would be stable under Iranian control."

He spoke about the Imams who ruled Yemen for a period of time and the September 26, 1962 revolution that overthrew their regime, highlighting the many achievements of the September and October revolutions in the lives of the Yemeni people. He argued that the "Imamist project" has been operating since the revolution, albeit covertly, with "secret leaders steering the effort to rewind history from 1962 to the present day." He criticized a lack of attention to this project, stating that "there has been negligence and a lack of focus, and there is a deficiency in this area."

The Yemeni Chief of Staff asserted that "the Yemeni people will never accept the erasure of the culture of September 26," stressing that "our political and military leadership, represented by the Presidential Leadership Council, all the legitimate state authorities, and alongside them the coalition supporting legitimacy, must adopt a project to confront this destructive culture and the project of death being implemented by the Houthi terrorist group with Iranian support."

Regarding the truce and peace efforts, General bin Aziz stated that "the war has not stopped," and that during this truce, the armed forces have been "well-prepared and continue to prepare for the battle." He emphasized, "We are fully convinced that our issue with the Houthi terrorist group will not be resolved through dialogue or a political solution. We know this will only happen through force, and nothing else. We are fully preparing for that."

He added, "We are for peace and want peace. Whenever peace comes that guarantees the rights of all Yemeni people according to the three references, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Yemen, according to the existing laws, we are for peace."

The interview: 

Q: First, congratulations on the arrival of September and October, months that hold special meaning for Yemenis. Could you speak about these anniversaries, what they signify for Yemenis, and especially for the armed forces?

A: Our congratulations to all Yemenis, our leadership, and all members of the armed forces, security forces, and resistance on this momentous occasion, which we celebrate on its 62nd anniversary.

The anniversaries of September 26th and October 14th are momentous. All free Yemenis are invested in them and in keeping their memory alive. They represent the revolution that lifted Yemenis from the depths of darkness into light, freedom, justice, equality, and respect for diverse opinions.

Q: The September and October revolutions achieved many things for the Yemeni people. What are some of the most important achievements, and how do you see the impact of the intellectual revolution that followed?

A: The September and October revolutions brought about countless achievements in the lives of the Yemeni people. One crucial aspect is the intellectual revolution sparked by the September revolution, which challenged the Imami-Twelver sectarian ideology. Another major achievement is Yemeni unity.

Q: We are now marking these anniversaries ten years after the Houthi coup. Looking back, do you think there was a disregard for the Imami project, allowing it to catch Yemenis by surprise? Did a lack of awareness contribute to the fall of the capital and other provinces?

A: The Imami project has been active since the blessed revolution, but it operated in the shadows. This project has secret leaders who guide its operations, seeking to rewind history from 1962 to the present day. It's clear that neglect and apathy from other quarters contributed to the project's persistence. There was a lack of attention to this issue.

The new Imams and the Iranian-backed Imami project have adopted new tactics. They've evolved their ideology, which was previously confined to ignorance, starving the Yemeni people, and denying them freedom. Now, the Iranian project has added killing, destruction, displacement, and the exclusion of all enlightened minds. This project is different from the past. Iran has honed it in killing and destruction, deploying Iranian experts in Houthi-controlled areas to develop weapons of mass destruction against the Yemeni people. They also have a project to kill the Arab people and achieve larger goals. But thanks to God, everyone stands united against this project, and by God's grace, they will not succeed.

Q: The Houthis have shown hostility towards the September 26th revolution by suppressing free voices in areas under their control. How do you view the escalation of repression and the suppression of anything connected to September 26th?

A: It's natural for the past and present Imams to harbor animosity towards the September 26th revolution, as it freed the Yemeni people from their control and ushered in an era of freedom and democracy. It restored the dignity of Yemenis and liberated them from slavery. Therefore, they seek to erase the culture of September and October. However, the Yemeni people are now highly aware, as evidenced by the fact that the Houthis, despite their iron-fisted rule, have not been able to achieve this goal. Despite their cultural campaigns aimed at ignorance and obliteration, they haven't achieved their objectives. The assessment is clear, and even those Yemenis under Houthi control do not accept their ideology and oppose it. This will be evident in the September 26th celebrations, as areas under their control will show even greater interest in commemorating the occasion. This is a clear indication that the Yemeni people are aware and stand against anyone who seeks to erase the culture of September 26th.

The culture of September has made all Yemenis equal in rights and responsibilities. This culture cannot be erased by the Houthis, Iran, or anyone else. Even if they manage to mislead and deceive some young people, they are a small minority, and the Yemeni people will not accept them.

Q: You are placing your hope in the culture and awareness of the Yemeni people, which may have been shaped in a particular period. The September Revolution may have faded from the memory of many in the current generation due to a lack of awareness and other factors. However, after the Houthi coup, we saw voices rising to call for a return to and remembrance of the goals of September 26th. What are your thoughts?

A: Anyone who reads the goals of September will find great values that are not present in any other revolution. It embodies all the values, morals, and beautiful things that anyone who cherishes freedom, justice, and equality seeks. We are placing our hope in all Yemenis to preserve the culture of September 26th, to revive it, and to instill it in future generations. However, there must be action, because you cannot rely on the people's awareness and their adherence to the goals of September without a project.

This project must be led by the government. Today, the Houthis have abolished national education in the areas under their control. They have removed many elements of the curriculum and replaced them with what benefits their lineage, not the people. This extends to changing the names of regions and streets. The Yemeni people are struggling against this, and we are confident that they will never accept the erasure of the culture of September 26th. However, our political and military leadership, represented by the Presidential Leadership Council and all branches of the legitimate state, alongside the coalition supporting legitimacy, must adopt a project to confront this destructive culture. This means confronting the project of death being implemented by the Houthi terrorist group with Iranian support.

Q: To what extent do you have hope that there will be a backlash or uprising one day by free Yemenis in areas controlled by the Houthis?

A: We are talking about a cultural project that opposes the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist group. We are confident that a cultural project alone is not enough. It requires a significant effort from all good people among the Yemeni people, as well as from the armed forces, security forces, and popular resistance. A cultural project without a project of force and military decisiveness is futile. The two projects (force and culture) must go hand in hand and work together to achieve security and stability in Yemen.

Our government and leadership are working and preparing for this. We are with them and implementing their directives and orders. We know that there must be serious work from everyone to free our people from their current situation and restore stability in Yemen.

On September 26th, we discussed the need for military action. Tell us about the current military situation and the arrangements in place, especially considering the unannounced and unrealistic ceasefire on the ground?

For the armed forces, security, popular resistance, and supporting tribes engaged in the sacred battle against the Houthi terrorist organization, the war has not stopped. There is no ceasefire; the fighting continues on all fronts, with no significant advances and continuous casualties reported by the army and resistance.

During this so-called ceasefire, the armed forces have been preparing extensively, and they are still continuing to prepare for the next battle. We in the armed forces are fully convinced that the issue with the Houthi terrorist group cannot be resolved through dialogue or political solutions. We know this, and it will only happen through force, and nothing else. We are fully prepared for this according to the directives of the political and military leadership.

We have achieved many things in the past period, and we are continuing, God willing. One of the most important things we have is an armed force with combat experience. They have accumulated experience and have been well trained and prepared. We are confident that the upcoming battle will be decisive. Our armed forces have full faith in the cause for which they are fighting. We have a project led by our political and military forces represented by the Presidential Leadership Council, and all state institutions, a project of good and peace, a project of security and stability, a project of a free and dignified life for all Yemenis. Any human who believes in God knows that this project will succeed and triumph. Any project that involves bloodshed, killing, displacement, suppression of freedoms, and plundering of rights will not succeed. It will be defeated, God willing, then by the strength of the men we are preparing for this battle.

What is the army leadership's vision for a political settlement? How do we view the pressure on the Yemeni government to move forward with a political settlement that does not meet the requirements of a just peace or the aspirations of the Yemeni people?

We in the armed forces receive our directives from our political and military leadership in any direction. We are for peace and want peace. When peace comes that guarantees the rights of all Yemenis according to the three reference points, according to the Yemeni constitution, and according to the existing laws, we are for peace. Our leadership directs us accordingly. We are an army that adheres to the Yemeni constitution and the relevant existing laws. We adhere to international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and the rules of engagement, and all the values ​​brought by Islam and positive law. We adhere to them in the armed forces, and we want peace. Why are we fighting? We are fighting for peace. When peace is achieved for our people, we will lay down our weapons and carry the hoe, and we will work for the development, prosperity, and well-being of Yemenis.

Regarding the roadmap and peace, we know that our leadership and the leadership of the coalition supporting legitimacy are striving only to achieve peace for the Yemeni people. The roadmap project led by Saudi Arabia is not a new initiative or anything new. From the beginning, when the Yemeni legitimate leadership called on the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, the goal was to achieve peace and security for Yemenis. Today, they are saying the same thing. We are for peace if it comes through peace, dialogue, and politics. If it can only be achieved through force, then force is definitely necessary. As I said before, we are fully confident, through our experience and living with the Houthi terrorist organization, which does not accept coexistence with anyone, that it will not accept peace with this group except through force. When we impose peace through force, peace will be achieved.

Do the armed forces have this firm conviction that the Houthi group will not accept the other or coexist with him?

There is a firm belief in the armed forces, and almost all Yemeni people know that the Houthi group will not accept coexistence with anyone, will not reconcile with anyone, and will not reach peace with anyone except through force. This is their doctrine and their project, a project of blood and killing, a project of lies and deception, an immoral project, neither in Islam nor in humanity. Dialogue is useless with them. They lie, as one media person said, as they breathe, and this is a fact that no one can deny.

There is a conviction that if the legitimacy had been unified from the first day, and this is what people were hopeful for when the Presidential Leadership Council came, it would be a structure for the army and other things, but unfortunately, the steps are still very slow. What are the reasons for this?

Those who say that legitimacy is not unified are wrong. Legitimacy is unified. Those who say it is not unified are running away from the truth, the right, and standing with legitimacy and with the right. We have a Leadership Council under the leadership of His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. All the active forces that are fighting against the Houthi terrorist organization are present in this council. Today, we have a joint operations room that coordinates and organizes cooperation between all forces. The armed forces, which are under the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, are unified, organized, and ready for any order issued by the leadership, as are the rest of the forces.

Is there any force fighting against the Houthis who does not want to fight them?

Everyone agrees on one goal, and if there are other opinions or ideas, they are secondary. The main thing for everyone is to fight the Houthis, eliminate the Houthi terrorist group and Iran's project in Yemen. There are differences in ideas and opinions, which are secondary. These things exist even within families and all over the world. We are a democratic country, and democracy has given people freedom and allowed everyone to express their opinions. However, you will not find any of these forces who say, "I do not want to fight the Houthis and I will not stand against them." This is not true. Everyone agrees that the Houthis are the enemy of all Yemenis and that they must be fought and eliminated. This is enough for us. As for other opinions, visions, and specific demands, everyone has their visions and demands, all of which are secondary and will be discussed later.

The general impression we have is that there is no unity in the joint operations room. You mentioned a joint operations room that has become unified. Were these adjustments made recently or a while ago?

The joint operations room is now working and coordinating, and there is full coordination between all forces operating under the umbrella of legitimacy under the supervision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense, and the General Staff. Therefore, the upcoming battle will not be like what I said before, in a front, sector, or governorate. The entire force will be under the control and coordination of this room.

Is the Arab coalition still standing as it did at the beginning of Operation Decisive Storm, or has there been some kind of decline?

Anyone who doubts the Arab coalition and its continued support for Yemen and the Yemenis is wrong. The coalition led by Saudi Arabia is concerned about the Yemeni issue, the security and stability of Yemen, and is working day and night for that purpose. They know that it is crucial for Yemen to be safe, stable, and unified for the sake of the Arab world in general, not just for Yemen alone. They are concerned about Yemen, but above that, Yemen's stability is the stability of the region.

What is the position of the armed forces on what is happening in the Red Sea and the situation there?

For us in the armed forces, our assessment is that our previous, current, and future legitimate leadership has all spoken to the region and the world about the Iranian threat, not a Houthi threat, but a major Iranian threat that is attacking Yemen. Therefore, the region and the world will be affected, especially maritime shipping lanes. However, the government's call did not receive a large response, except from those who stood with us, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the entire Arab coalition. Today, those who turned a deaf ear to the government's call are now suffering from the Houthis' fire. Today, our assessment of the battle in the sea is that the Houthis are looking for a straw to cling to. The Houthis are in a stormy sea among the Yemenis, and they know that the Yemenis' patience has run out. They will reach a point where the Yemeni people will rise up against them. They are looking for a straw to cling to in order to subdue the Yemenis and lie to them that they are standing with Palestine.

Palestine is the cause of the Arabs and Muslims, and no Muslim or Arab will ever give it up. However, what the Houthis are doing is simply covering up their crimes against the Yemenis. They are deceiving the simple people of Yemen by claiming that they are fighting for Palestine and the Palestinians. All of this is a bubble of lies. Today, the people of Yemen are the ones who are most affected by what is happening and what the Houthis are doing in the sea. The people are now fighting a battle that has nothing to do with them. They will die of hunger, their economy will be affected, they will be greatly affected, while the Houthis remain standing and claim that they are fighting against the Jews.

We are with the Palestinian people and their just cause. What the Jews are doing in Palestine and Gaza is a major crime that no sane human mind can accept. We are against it and against what is being practiced against the Palestinians. However, if we look at what the Houthis are doing against the Yemenis, we will find that they are doing the same thing that the Jews are doing against the Palestinians, killing and destroying in order to make them submit to them and their rule, and they must rule with iron and fire, and that this is by the command of God. God forgive me for this false claim.

Recently, there has been an increase in complaints from wounded soldiers regarding neglect, delayed salaries, and outstanding financial benefits. How have you addressed these complaints, and how can they be resolved permanently?

It is true that the armed forces, security personnel, and popular resistance have been deprived of their rights. They are not receiving even 20% of what they deserve. However, these heroes are not fighting for pensions. They did not join the army for financial gain but for a pivotal cause and a noble goal. This is what motivated them to join the armed forces, whether from the former army or new recruits. They came for the sake of Yemen and its people. The truth is that the leadership is concerned about this aspect, the salaries of the army and security forces, and they demonstrate great interest. However, there is a real problem with our leadership, which is not standing idly by. They are working diligently to provide for the needs of our heroes. God willing, the future will be much better.

We have complete confidence in our leadership that they will address all the needs of the army, whether financial, logistical, or anything that contributes to the success of the battle.

We are confident that our leadership is concerned about this and that the future will be much better. This is a promise, God willing. If God grants us life, we will remember these words, and good will come, God willing.

We are well aware of the role and importance of technology. Are there any updates on weapons and the introduction of advanced technology, at least on par with what the Houthis have, to create a balanced deterrent force between the two sides?

There is something far more important than weapons, and that is faith in the cause and fighting for the highest goals, which is achieving security and stability for Yemen and its people. Those who believe in this principle and believe that they should not be slaves while others are masters will succeed and win the battle. There are many of them, and we have another factor, which is accumulated experience. The enemy is superior in ballistic missiles and drones because the Iranians and the destructive organizations supporting them sent their experts early on, while they were still in Matra and Marran. They supported them with all the tools of evil and murder against Yemenis. But we say that our leadership and the armed forces have experience today, and we have operations that will be, God willing, promising. Add to that the fact that our brothers in the Arab coalition, may God protect them, are cooperating with us and providing aid and assistance. God willing, the future will be much better than the past. The lesson has become clear to everyone, and everyone understands it. They understand that there is no alternative but to be ready for an equal battle, where the victory will be for the right, for the project of good, and for achieving security and stability for Yemen and its people.

Today marks the 18th of September, ten years since the formation of the Marib stances. At that moment, the capital fell, and the Houthi militias took control. How do you view the moment of the formation of the Marib stances?

The Marib stances are the nucleus and the good seed that was planted by the tribes of Marib, including the Abidah tribe at the forefront, the Jad'an tribe, the Jahm tribe, Bani Jabr, the Murad heroes, and all the tribes of Marib. This was in response to deterring and curbing the Houthi terrorist group that had overrun most of the governorates.

This position taken by the Marib tribes and their local authority, led by the great fighting Sheikh Sultan bin Ali al-Arada, is what preserved the dignity of the September 26th Revolution, the October 14th Revolution, and all Yemenis. It is the solid, unyielding rock to which all the free people of Yemen flocked. They stopped the advance of the Houthi terrorist group and will launch from there to every inch of the Yemeni Republic to liberate and restore security, stability, and dignity to all Yemenis.

This anniversary is undoubtedly a great one that should be immortalized among the achievements of the September 26th Revolution. If it were not for God Almighty, then the culture of September 26th that was instilled in the hearts of the heroes of the tribes of Marib Governorate and their authority, they would not have taken this stand.

This stand is for all Yemenis and is also attributed to Marib Governorate, and to each tribe of the Marib tribes. These heroes deserve our salute, appreciation, and respect in the name of all the armed forces, security forces, and in the name of everyone on the anniversary of Matareh Nakhla and Saheel. And throughout time, God willing, until we meet God, we will be with them and support them in all situations and in all the battles we have fought, and the heroes of the armed forces, in the face of the advance of the Houthi terrorist group on Marib, for which they had gathered all their forces and equipment. Yet, it was stopped by the grace of God, then by the efforts of the armed forces, security forces, resistance, and all the tribes opposing the project of the Houthi terrorist group.

The stances were the nucleus that made everyone who wanted to help the Yemenis help them because if you don't help yourself, no one will help you.

The Arab coalition, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which called for the Arab coalition, deserves our thanks and appreciation. Their reputation and what they have done for Yemen in all areas should be etched in the memory of Yemeni history. We know and understand that they will never abandon Yemen and the Yemenis until they bring them to safety and until all that Yemenis aspire to is achieved.

The coalition's position was great. In truth, he who does not acknowledge the right is not the owner of the right, and he who does not thank people does not thank God. If it were not for God Almighty, then the Arab coalition, Yemen today would be a stable belonging to the Iranian Shiites. But thanks to God Almighty, then the efforts of the heroes of the armed forces, security forces, resistance, and our brothers in the Arab coalition, they repelled this project and this idea. We will continue, God willing, until everything that Yemenis aspire to in terms of security, stability, and prosperity is achieved.

"Thank you for your patience and willingness to participate with us. If you have any final message you would like to convey to the Yemeni people or the armed forces, the floor is yours.

My message to all Yemenis is: Trust that right will prevail. The right is the project of good led by our legitimate leadership and the leadership of the Coalition supporting legitimacy. This project of good seeks to rescue Yemenis from a life of slavery to a life of freedom, from the worship of the Imam to the worship of the Lord of the Imam. This is the project that will succeed, so be confident and be ready for victory. Do not let your spirits falter. Be patient, persevere, and stand firm. Victory will come, by the grace of God. Security and stability will return to Yemen. Yemen is promised good, security, and stability, no matter what happens.

Thank you."



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