In a move to address the ongoing plight of wounded soldiers and the families of martyrs, Rashad Alimi, the Chairman of Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council, has directed the establishment of a national authority dedicated to their care. This marks the third directive since the council's...
On December 25, 2024, Rashad Alimi, the President of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council, announced a significant judicial reform by appointing five new judges to the Supreme Court. The decision, outlined in Republican Decree No. 327 of 2024, was made public by the Yemeni news agency ...
Rashad Alimi, President of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, arrived in Egypt on November 3, 2024, to participate in the World Urban Forum at the invitation of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi for the opening of the 12th session of the forum. According to the official Yemeni Ne...