In a move to address the ongoing plight of wounded soldiers and the families of martyrs, Rashad Alimi, the Chairman of Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council, has directed the establishment of a national authority dedicated to their care. This marks the third directive since the council's...
On Monday, December 2, 2024, dozens of injured and disabled individuals gathered outside the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor office in Marib province, northeastern Yemen, to demand reforms within the National Association for the Injured and Disabled. The protesters submitted a formal petit...
On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, Colonel Sadiq Al-Namr, head of the Military Medical Committee in the Taiz Military Axis of the Yemeni army, announced that 44 wounded soldiers have been sent to the Arab Republic of Egypt for medical treatment. In a statement released by the media center of the Tai...
A military official in the Yemeni army has announced that arrangements are complete for the disbursement of King Salman's grant to members of the Social Welfare Department, including martyrs, wounded, and disabled soldiers. Brigadier General Abdallatif Al-Awadhi, head of the King Salman Gra...