Marib Executive Office Reviews Civil Service, Education Reports, Emphasizes Teamwork

Monday 1 Jul 2024 |3 months ago
Marib.. The Executive Office discusses the reports of the civil service and education offices in the governorate

Barran Press

The executive office of Ma'rib governorate convened a regular meeting on Monday, July 8th, 2024, presided over by Deputy Governor Ali Al-Fatemi. The meeting focused on reviewing performance reports, addressing key issues, and discussing recent developments in service delivery, development, and security within the province.

The meeting, attended by Deputy Governors Abdullah Al-Bakri and Mohammed Al-Ma'awdi, reviewed a report submitted by the Director of the Civil Service Office, Saud Al-Yousefi, regarding the level of employee discipline across all government offices and units following the Eid al-Adha holiday. The office decided to take legal and disciplinary action against absent employees.

The meeting also heard a report from the Deputy Director of the Education Office, Abdulaziz Al-Bakri, on the progress of the final examinations for the general secondary school certificate, encompassing both science and humanities streams. The report highlighted challenges and difficulties faced by the education sector.

The meeting observed a moment of silence and recited the Fatiha in memory of the late Director of the Agriculture Office, Saif Al-Wals, who passed away last week. The minutes of the previous meeting were also reviewed and approved.

Deputy Governor Al-Fatemi urged all executive offices, service institutions, and public units in the province to intensify efforts, enhance work performance, and strengthen communication and coordination among themselves. He emphasized the importance of teamwork and cooperation to improve service delivery, facilitate access to services, and meet the needs of citizens. Al-Fatemi stressed the importance of working as a unified team to maximize the utilization of available resources.

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