Third Greek Tanker Attacked by Houthis in Red Sea, Raising Tensions

Third Greek Tanker Attacked by Houthis in Red Sea, Raising Tensions

 A third vessel owned by the Greek company Delta Tankers has been attacked in the Red Sea, raising concerns about escalating tensions in the region. The attack, confirmed by the maritime news website Splash 247, monitored by "Barran Press",  marks the fourth incident involving ...

Turkey Pledges Support for "Urgent Needs" in Yemen Amidst Floods

Turkey Pledges Support for "Urgent Needs" in Yemen Amidst Floods

 The Turkish government has expressed its willingness to meet the "urgent needs" of Yemen, emphasizing the country's "significant importance" to Turkey. This commitment was conveyed by Ambassador Ahmet Reza Demirar, Director General of the Middle East and North Afri...

Yemeni Government Eyes Joint Bank with China to Facilitate Trade

Yemeni Government Eyes Joint Bank with China to Facilitate Trade

The internationally recognized Yemeni government announced on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, its intention to explore the establishment of a Yemeni-Chinese bank. This initiative aims to simplify the transfer of funds for exporters and importers, as well as remittances to and from China. The announce...