Yemen Forum Discusses Gaza War Threats and Regional Repercussions

Yemen Forum Discusses Gaza War Threats and Regional Repercussions

A political forum held in Marib Governorate, northeastern Yemen, on Monday, August 26th, 2024, discussed the threats posed by the Israeli war on Gaza, its regional implications, and the repercussions for the Arab region. Organized by the Arab Political Forum, the forum featured three presentati...

Child's Gunplay Leads to Fatal Shooting in Hadhramaut, Yemen

Child's Gunplay Leads to Fatal Shooting in Hadhramaut, Yemen

A tragic incident in the city of Seiyun, Hadhramaut Governorate, eastern Yemen, has left one man dead and a child injured after a 15-year-old boy accidentally discharged a firearm. According to security sources report, in Hadhramaut (Wadi and Desert), seen by "Barran Press", the incid...

Marib Authorities Launch "Central Scale" for Tax Collection

Marib Authorities Launch "Central Scale" for Tax Collection

Local authorities in Marib Governorate, northeastern Yemen, inaugurated the operation of a "central scale" for collecting sales tax on goods entering the governorate on Monday, August 26th, 2024. According to the official Yemen News Agency (Saba), Deputy Governor Abdullah Al-Bakri lau...

Socotra Elders Accuse Archipelago Authorities of "Division, Non-Yemeni Laws" and Demand Governor's Removal

Socotra Elders Accuse Archipelago Authorities of "Division, Non-Yemeni Laws" and Demand Governor's Removal

في رسالة موجهة إلى رئيس المجلس الرئاسي القيادي رشاد العليمي، الاثنين 26 أغسطس/آب 2024، اتهم شيوخ ووجهاء أرخبيل سقطرى شرقي اليمن، السلطات المدنية والعسكرية في الأرخبيل ب"العمل على تقسيم المجتمع وإدامة الفوضى وتبديد الموارد وأصول الدولة". وطالبت الرسالة، التي اطلعت عليها بران برس، بإقال...